A Message of Solidarity for Racial Justice Making
Tuesday, December, 9th, 2014 Past Programs 2014-2015 University Chaplaincy Stories
The University Chaplaincy wants to offer its admiration and support to the many Tufts students, faculty, and staff who have devoted themselves to the cause of justice—against the racism that not only underpins many institutions in America but that also shapes and impacts our own campus community. Our team of chaplains are caregivers who recognize the emotional and spiritual distress that people in our community, and particularly people of color, are feeling as they approach an already busy period of the semester. As we all work to fight for justice in our own ways and through our own social positions, we want to remind all on campus that we are here for you, to support and advocate with you, and to listen to you in times of need. Goddard Chapel and the Interfaith Center welcome all to drop in to meet, to organize, or just to recharge, and you are encouraged to contact anyone on the chaplaincy staff for care and support, or to seek a referral to another trusted caregiver. We want to affirm that you are in our minds and hearts at this time and always, and we pledge to work alongside you towards a better world.
Please contact chaplaincy@tufts.edu with any questions or concerns.