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Anthony Cruz Pantojas

Humanist Chaplain

The Tufts Humanist Chaplaincy serves students of a variety of backgrounds, including Humanists, atheists, agnostics, the spiritual but not religious, and otherwise nonreligious students who might find chaplaincy resources helpful.

Recognizing that nonreligious students find care and support through a wide variety of different practices, the Humanist Chaplain serves to help each individual find strength in their own way, be it through reflection, meditation, community, or social action. By working individually with students as well as in small groups, the Humanist in Residence is tasked with helping students find mutual support and care through shared experience. For students interested in interfaith dialogue and service, the Humanist Chaplaincy serves as an advocate for nontheist inclusion in pluralistic community. Insofar as there are many challenges in college life common to the secular and the spiritual, all students are welcome and encouraged to seek out the support of the Humanist chaplaincy resources.

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