2019 Trans Day of Remembrance Art Exhibit
Friday, November, 22nd, 2019 Past Announcements

Opening: Wednesday, November 20, 12 p.m.- 2 p.m., B-Side Hallway of 230 The Fenway, SMFA at Tufts
On display from Wednesday, November 20 until Thursday, December 19, B-Side Hallway of 230 The Fenway, SMFA at TuftsThe annual Trans Day of Remembrance (TDOR) art project draws attention to violence against transgender people in the past year and celebrates the lives of those killed in transantagonistic violence. In the United States, between October 2018 and October 2019, there were 36 reported deaths of transgender people by killings or self-harm. The majority of those were trans people of color, specifically black trans women.
On display from Wednesday, November 20 until Thursday, December 19, B-Side Hallway of 230 The Fenway, SMFA at TuftsThe annual Trans Day of Remembrance (TDOR) art project draws attention to violence against transgender people in the past year and celebrates the lives of those killed in transantagonistic violence. In the United States, between October 2018 and October 2019, there were 36 reported deaths of transgender people by killings or self-harm. The majority of those were trans people of color, specifically black trans women.
To celebrate those 36 lives and document their loss, the selected student artist has created a portrait series connecting their lives to the flowers of their home communities. The series will be on display at the SMFA at Tufts campus for the remainder of the semester and will move to the Medford campus in early 2020. This project is sponsored by the LGBT Center, the Tufts Humanist Chaplaincy, the SMFA at Tufts, and the Office of the Provost. Visit go.tufts.edu/tdor for more details and updates. A casual opening reception will take place at noon on November 20th in the B-Side Hallway of 230 The Fenway.