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Rabbi Naftali Brawer

Jewish Chaplain and Neubauer Executive Director, Tufts Hillel

The Jewish Chaplaincy and Tufts Hillel is the Hub of Jewish Life on Tufts’ campus.

Hillel’s concern is to foster a positive Jewish presence on campus, build Jewish identity, and enhance a commitment to Jewish life that will continue beyond Tufts. Hillel is committed to putting the ethical values of the Jewish tradition into practice and providing opportunities for social action and public service, both on and off campus. Hillel is committed to building bridges to the many different religious, ethnic, and cultural groups on campus, and promoting inter-group dialogue and understanding. The Jewish Chaplain and Hillel staff serve the Tufts community in times of personal loss and crisis both through spiritual care and by integrating people into a supportive community. Both the Jewish Chaplain/Neubauer Executive Director of Tufts Hillel and the Associate Director welcome opportunities for both formal and informal teaching in Judaism as well as the study of ethics in the university community.

There is also the Rohr Chabad House - serving the Jewish community at Tufts University and beyond. The Rohr Chabad House is a thriving center for Jewish life, well known for its warmth and acceptance of all. Chabad has become a central part of student life bringing together Jews from all backgrounds and styles of observance to experience and learn about Judaism. You can learn more by visiting the Rohr Chabad House website. 

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