Humanism in Action – Perspectives on Humanism, Ethical Culture, and Responsible Citizenship
Tuesday, February, 3rd, 2015 Past Programs 2014-2015
Friday, February 6, 5:30 pm, Interfaith Center
What does it mean to be a Humanist, and to do chaplaincy work as a Humanist, in America today, and how do we put our Humanist values in action? Come for a presentation by Hugh Tafts-Morales, Humanist minister with the Ethical Societies in Baltimore and Philadelphia, and a panel discussion facilitated by Tufts’ own Humanist in Residence Walker Bristol. The panel will also include Vanessa Zoltan, Assistant Humanist Chaplain at the Humanist Community at Harvard, and Jason Heap, National Coordinator for the United Coalition of Reason. Learn more here.