Spiritual Life
Ministry Offerings
There are many great ways to serve in our community here at Tufts University. Some students are involved in our liturgy and others are more drawn service opportunities. Learn about some of the exciting ways you can bring your voice and gifts to the Catholic Community at Tufts and our greater neighborhood.
Sacramental Life
The sacraments awaken us to the divine all around us, the continued presence of Christ in our lives. They reconnect us to one another, strengthening our unity and calling us to be living, breathing, acting witnesses to God’s love in the world. With joyful and welcoming spirit, we celebrate the sacraments as a community here at Tufts.
Partnership and Outreach
Students engage in a wide variety of service opportunities at Tufts University. Through the Catholic Chaplaincy you can help us nourish those relationships with our community partners that have grown over the years.