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Our response will be: God of love, hear our prayer

For our Church: Pope Francis, Archbishop Sean O’Malley, all women religious, clergy and lay people.  That we may each respond to the gift of the Spirit and  proclaim God’s love in our words and actions. That we may be a living witness to the gospel.


we pray to the Lord


For Pope Francis as he travels through the US, that the Holy Spirit will continue to speak through him. May he inspire us to re-root ourselves and turn our hearts and actions towards our most vulnerable peoples.

We pray to the Lord


For our Muslim brothers, sister, siblings who just celebrated Eid this past week. We pray for all who perished in the devastating stampede on Hajj this week in Mecca and for all who are mourning this loss. For ALL the pilgrims who are pursuing you, O God. May you guide them all safely on their journeys and fill their hearts with lights.

We pray to the Lord

For all of us who struggle with the day to day realities of staying sober. For outpouring compassion and affirming of dignity. For an end to the stigma around addiction.

We pray to the lord

For the refugee family seeking safety from violence, for the migrant worker who brings the food to our tables, for the asylum seeker pursuing justice for themselves and their family. For the unaccompanied child traveling in a dangerous world. Help us to see your spirit in the unwelcomed, condemned, and crucified immigrants in this country and in the world. For protection, respect of dignity, for compassionate leadership.

We pray to the Lord


For all those who are parched, thirsting for intimacy and community. That we may never reduce people to labels. Help us all to see you O God in all people—those at the margins and they at the center.

We pray to the Lord

For our community here at Tufts—as we begin this new week, and we ponder the advent of autumn, let that which distracts us and leads us away from your presence be moved so that with the changing of the season our hearts may turn towards your love and your will.

We pray to the Lord