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Giving Tuesday is November 29

Students at the Buddhist Sangha Fall Retreat in 2019

Buddhist Sangha Fall 2022 Retreat
Weekly Buddhist meditation being led by an outside practitioner

Venerable Vineetha bestowing a kata (scarf) upon Dechen Chokey at the Buddha Day celebration
Dear Friend of the Tufts Buddhist Chaplaincy,
The Buddhist community at Tufts is itself a mandala, incorporating through student practice and culture the vibrant diversity of the Buddhist path. Through the Buddhist Chaplaincy’s integrative approach, students learn how their different spiritual heritages and Dharma paths are unified through the Middle Way of the Buddha. As students develop spiritual friendships through shared meditation, study, field trips and celebrations, they are developing wisdom and compassion in ways that also prepare them to practice skills of dialogue and peace as global citizens in this increasingly interconnected world.

Every week, we offer students several opportunities to replenish their wellspring of peace and mindfulness. Once each semester, we hold weekend retreats, which are well attended   Students consistently report these are some of the most outstanding events of their academic year—supporting inner growth and relieving student stress, which enhances well-being.

Aolani Lopez, one of our Sangha student leaders, expresses her gratitude in advance:

Although  I was not raised Buddhist, the community and love the Tufts Buddhist Mindfulness Sangha cultivates really resonates with me and makes me feel at peace…to have found a place on campus that is full of gratitude and focused on staying mindful and present has really helped me overcome many personal and outwardly obstacles. I am so thankful to be a part of the executive board this year and for all the work Ji Hyang, our chaplain leader, and the other students on the e-board and in the sangha put in to make the space warm and inviting.

There are two easy ways to be involved:
  • Make a gift: Make your gift to the “Friends of Goddard Chapel/Interfaith” or “Buddhist Chaplaincy” fund by clicking this button (Giving Tuesday gifts must be made on November 29, 2022).
  • Spread the word: Please forward this email to your friends and family, and post on social media about donating. Invite your networks to join in and match your contribution.
Your gifts help ensure that these valuable spiritual practices and cultures move forward—from generation to generation. Thank you for your kindness.

in the Dharma,

Ji Hyang Padma, Ph.D.
Buddhist Chaplain
Tufts University