There are many ways to be involved. Here are some opportunities:
- Monthly meal-making trip to Somerville Homeless Coalition
- Fall retreat and apple-picking
- Bike and hike at the Fells
- Advent quiet day (mini-retreat)
- Spring retreat to Rolling Ridge
- Easter brunch celebration
- Read Scripture for a worship service
- Lead intercessory and thanksgiving prayers for the community by reading the “Prayers of the People” during the worship service
- Help set the altar and help set the table for our receptions. Both are unique fellowship opportunities.
- Welcome newcomers and connect them to returning students
- Fold and pass out bulletins before the service begins
- Provide a musical offering (if you sing or play and instrument) during the service
- Take part in the Senior Sermon Series!
- Join the PSA Executive Board and serve the student community using your skills and gifts!
- If you’re interested in local outreach, opportunities will be coming soon!
Contact Chaplain Dan Bell about more ways to get involved!