We gather regularly for worship, fellowship, formation, and fun. All are very welcome to join us.

Students enjoy a tasty pancake supper at the Interfaith Center on Shrove Tuesday, a.k.a. Mardi Gras, to mark the beginning of the Lenten season.
Protestant Evening Worship (PEW)
Sundays during the academic year, 7 pm ET, Goddard Chapel
Whoever you are, however you come, there is always room for you in the PEW.
Join the Protestant student community at Tufts for worship in prayer, song, preaching, and reflection. Chaplain Dan, a variety of guest preachers from different denominations, and students offer weekly messages to inspire and challenge one’s faith. We celebrate Communion once a month; all are welcome to receive. A few times each semester, we gather for “Dinner Church,” enjoying a meal together in a more relaxed worship setting. After each service, we we invite you to stay for snacks and community time. It’s always great to hang out and connect with fellow students before the start of a new week.
Small Groups
Each year we have different small groups for study, prayer, and reflection. In the past, we have had numerous Bible studies, book clubs, a contemplative night prayer gathering, a labyrinth walk, and more. Chaplain Dan is excited to work with students to offer programming that are relevant to students’ lives today. Faculty and staff are invited to take part in “The Breakfast Club,” a weekly time of Bible study and prayer, Wednesdays at 8am. If you have an idea for a gathering or program, please be in touch.
Bonding Events
Each year begins with a welcome event for new students during Orientation, usually a bagel brunch with icebreakers on the Tisch Library Roof. In the fall, we go on apple-picking trips and have even done a “bike and hike” trip to the Middlesex Fells Reservation. Throughout the year, students from PSA love to hang out and spend time together. Often they will organize a trip to Davis Square, host a meal in their homes, or get pizza on campus.
Annual Retreat
Every year we go on retreat to a beautiful conference center called Rolling Ridge in North Andover, Massachusetts. For twenty-four hours from Friday to Saturday we spend time together having fun, reflecting on our lives and faith journeys, eating delicious food, and exploring the wooded lakeside area. We hope you will join us!
Holiday Celebrations and Special Events
We have special gatherings throughout the year. These include a special LGBTQ+ “Pride in the Pew” service in October, a Thanksgiving dinner, Lessons and Carols during Advent, and a Christmas carol-sing and dinner. In the spring, we join with our friends in the Catholic community for a Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday services, and an Easter celebration. We also have many opportunities to connect with other religious and philosophical student organizations on campus, and participate fully in Tufts’ vibrant interfaith community. We mark the end of the year with a senior sermon series and a festive luncheon for graduates and their families.