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The Buddhist Chaplaincy, led by the Buddhist Chaplain, offers resources for practicing Buddhism and mindfulness at Tufts. Vineetha Mahayaye, the Buddhist Chaplain, leads weekly mindfulness meditation sessions in the Interfaith Center, and also offers small group opportunities to learn the Buddhist path of insight and compassion together. The Buddhist Chaplain also provides one-on-one spiritual care. The Buddhist Chaplain teaches about contemplative practices in student and faculty/staff groups and supports interfaith programming, such as the Illumination and Baccalaureate ceremonies.  The Buddhist Chaplaincy provides referrals to local and international resources for Buddhist and mindfulness study and practice, including retreat centers and conferences. The Buddhist Chaplaincy promotes a pluralistic approach to the Buddhist tradition and to mindfulness practice, honoring all paths that lead to peace and lovingkindness, and connecting the campus community with many different forms of practice.

Meet the Buddhist Chaplain

Meet the Undergraduate Community

History of the Buddhist Chaplaincy
